
BISS GrCh Goodtime’s Sweet Talkin’ Guy RN,WC,VC




Pedigree of “Max “

Parents GrandParents GreatGrandParents
GrCh/Can Ch Goodtime’s Johnny Bee Good SDHF OS Ch Scion Oughta Be A Law NA,NAJ, OS,SDHF Ch Legacy’s Standing Ovation SDHF OS
Ch Scion Tell It To The Judge WC OD
Ch Goodtime’s Cassiopeia OD Ch Faera’s Starlight OS
Ch Goodtime Laurell Elizabeth Tale’r OD
Ch Goodtime’s Sugar And Spice OD Ch Deja Vu’s Air Phare Miles OS Ch Suntoka’s Phorgone Conclusion OS
Deja Vu’s Summers Eve
Ch Argo’s Echo Of Goodtime RN Ch Goodtime’s Argo Adrenaline Rush OA,OAJ,NAP,SDHF,OS
Ch Argo’s Spilled Perfume